Special track 1
Coopetition Strategies – A Way to Address Grand Social Challenges?
SPECIAL SESSION TITLE: Coopetition Strategies – A Way to Address Grand Social Challenges?
● WOJCIECH CZAKON, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, wojciech.czakon@uj.edu.pl
● ANDREAS KALLMUENZER, Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, France, kallmuenzera@excelia-group.com
SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SPECIAL SESSION TOPIC: Coopetition, that is collaboration with competitors with the intent of creating value (Czakon et al., 2020) has become an established thread of research across management literature. Recent studies underline its relevance for innovation (Corbo et al., 2022), organizational performance (Xie et al., 2023) and other important organizational level outcomes. At the same time, more empirical evidence is available to support the view that negative outcomes of coopetition are likely (Crick, Crick, 2021). While our understanding of coopetition antecedents grows (Kallmuenzer et al., 2021), so does the awareness that effective management (Le Roy, Czakon, 2016) and organizational capabilities (Bengtsson et al., 2020) are needed to harness the potential of this paradoxical and challenging strategy. Therefore, scholars call for more research related to interactions between partners and their outcomes (Gernsheimer et al. 2021). In particular, such research directions at firm- and supply-chain level are yet to be explored (Meena et al. 2023). We believe that the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical challenges and digital transformation nexus moreover encourage network and industry level analyses. At the same time, effective addressing of the SDG UN agenda without engaging in value creating interaction among direct competitors seems unlikely.
● coopetition during times of disruptive technological, social and geopolitical change
● coopetition and radical innovation
● coopetition and sustainable development and goals
● multilevel examination/exploration of both positive and negative outcomes of coopetition
● collaboration with competitors aimed at achieving positive externalities,
● managing coopetitive tensions
● developing coopetition capability at individual, team and organizational levels