Special track 4

Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Sustainable Development

SPECIAL SESSION TITLE: Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Sustainable Development



      MOSTAFA AL-EMRAN, Faculty of Engineering & IT, The British University in Dubai, UAE, mostafa.alemran@buid.ac.ae

      MOHAMMED A. AL-SHARAFI, Institute of Informatics and Computing in Energy, University Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia, mohammed.alsharafi@utm.my


SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SPECIAL SESSION TOPIC: In 2015, the United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a target to meet them by 2030. These SDGs tackle several challenges, such as climate change, environmental damage, poverty, justice, peace, and inequality (Secundo et al., 2020). The intersection of emerging technologies with SDGs has become a focal point for businesses and societies (Al-Sharafi, Iranmanesh, et al., 2023). It is anticipated that advanced AI solutions will contribute to realizing 79% of all SDGs, often through technological breakthroughs that potentially overcome specific limitations (Vinuesa et al., 2020). When designing technologies that bolster sustainable development, the perspective of technological adoption, a dominant theme in information system (IS) studies, is frequently addressed (Papagiannidis & Marikyan, 2022). Given the rapid pace of technological progress and the adaptations people have made, focusing on the drivers of technological adoption and its implications for sustainability is crucial for fulfilling the SDGs (Al-Emran & Griffy-Brown, 2023). The global implementation of digital solutions has profoundly influenced sustainable development by reducing carbon emissions and waste and improving water resources and agriculture. While integrating technology offers several advantages for sustainability, it’s not without drawbacks (Al-Sharafi, Al-Emran, et al., 2023). A significant concern is the environmental toll of tech advancements. Additionally, there are apprehensions regarding technological progress’s social and economic repercussions. The swift evolution of technology can sometimes surpass regulations and ethical standards, resulting in problems like privacy breaches, data leaks, and the spread of false information. With these contrasting views, this track aims to foster a holistic discourse, encouraging various stakeholders to collaboratively navigate how emerging technologies can drive or hinder the three pillars of sustainability: the environment, the economy, and society. We cordially invite researchers, industry experts, and enthusiasts to contribute to this discourse by submitting their empirical, conceptual, and theoretical work for this track.



  green emerging technologies and sustainability

  technological innovations and environmental sustainability

  technological advancements and social sustainability

  technological innovations and economic sustainability

  generative artificial intelligence solutions for a more sustainable society

  metaverse for sustainable development

  economic viability of green IT investments

  technological innovations and circular economy

  blockchain for sustainable supply chains

  green data centers and cloud computing

  e-waste management

  IoT for smart and sustainable cities

  ethical AI for sustainable development

  digital inclusion and sustainability

  virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) solutions and sustainability

  decentralized energy grids and IT management